The main focus of Diamond Dynasty in MLB The Show 22 is to assemble the ultimate roster, hopefully consisting of as many elite-ranked players as possible. This pursuit of power will also net you other items, including classic stadiums. You can get a Choice Stadium pack by playing horribly in one Mini Season game.
All you have to do is complete three errors in the span of one three-inning game to complete the "Are you even trying?" mystery mission. Adding terrible fielders to your roster isn't necessary; all you have to do is make terrible throws to first base. You'll likely lose the game, but you'll walk away with a classic stadium in return. The challenge expires on May 2, 2022.
I played the game on Legend difficulty to ensure the CPU would make good contact. I lost the game 27 to zip. Yes, it took that long for three legitimate ground balls to be put into play.
For more on MLB The Show 22, check out our review in progress. This year's game is quite good on new-gen machines yet struggles mightily in the tech department on Switch. This is the first time the game is on Nintendo's platform, and it just isn't as smooth or polished as the other versions.